[BHS etree] EVENT: Chocolate Making with Alice Medrich for BHSDG

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Jan 17 07:27:25 PST 2008

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the etree, contact Lene Pedersen
[mailto:leneipedersen at pacbell.net] 

Join Alice Medrich for an evening of chocolate on March 6th, and help
support Berkeley High School.

Alice Medrich, author of, Bittersweet: Recipe and Tales from a Life in
Chocolate, and most recently, Pure Dessert, which was named one of the
best cookbooks of 2007 by Gourmet Magazine, Bon Appétit and Food and
Wine Magazines, and founder of former Cocolat stores in the Bay
.will conduct a chocolate making and tasting event at Kitchen on
Fire, on Thursday, March 6th,  from 6-9 pm. Don’t miss this fun,
informative and entertaining event. 

Get your ticket soon. Seating is limited.  Tickets are $125. All
proceeds go to Berkeley High School Development Group. 

To register, please go to www.BrownPaperTickets.com/event/26855 . 

Contact Lene Pedersen at leneipedersen at pacbell.net or Sarah Herman at
sarascape at earthlink.net for further info.

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