[BHS etree] EVENT: "What's Up With College?" Night - Weds. 7 PM

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Jan 8 15:45:48 PST 2008

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the etree, contact Melissa Rapp
[mailto:Lissrapp at aol.com]

AC's "What's Up With College?" Night is happening on THIS Wednesday
evening, January 9, from 7:00 - 9:00 in the College and Career Center
(second   floor, administration building).

Juniors, seniors, and their parents/guardians are invited to come
learn about a variety of colleges from BHS alumni who attend them.
Everyone will hear about alumni experiences of their schools and their
experience of being in college.  Students will have an opportunity to ask
questions and talk with alumni, and BHS parents can talk with parents of
alumni about what it's like sending a child off to college. We hope you
can attend. (Organized by parents from Academic Choice; the entire BHS
community is warmly invited!)

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