[BHS etree] JAZZ: BHS Jazz Ensemble members receive awards

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Sun Dec 16 20:32:38 PST 2007

Contact: mailto:fdamast at earthlink.net

The Berkeley High School Jazz Ensemble participated in the Sacramento
Jazz Festival on Saturday, Dec. 8th.  The festival was an
opportunity for the Ensemble to compete with other jazz bands in the
area.  They received feedback and critiques from participating judges.
There were several Ensemble members who received special citation
awards for outstanding musicianship:  Nathan Kersey-Wilson, Chase 
Jackson, Akeem Hawkins,
David McFarland, Nicholas Murphy, Forrest Mitchell, Ryan Thomas, Samora
Pinderhughes and Michael Stock-Matthews.  Chase Jackson also received a
cash award scholarship from the International Association of Jazz
Educators.  Please join us in congratulating these very talented
musicians in the 2007-2008 Berkeley High School Jazz Ensemble!!

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