[BHS etree] VOLUNTEERS: Help for the week of September 11

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Sun Sep 9 17:31:20 PDT 2007

contact: Janet Huseby <mailto:jhuseby at pacbell.net>jhuseby at pacbell.net

I am not yet through calling for help launching Berkeley High into a 
new school year. So far we have received awesome community support 
(between 15 and 25 people EVERY SINGLE DAY) but we have a few more 
days to go before we can safely say we are on our way. Below are the 
main volunteer  needs during this coming week. Most of them are a 
rare opportunity to travel the halls and visit lots of classrooms.

1. On Thursday and Friday, September 12 and 13 the English Language 
Learning Department will be conducting its annual California English 
Language Development Test on students recently arrived from over 20 
different  countries. These students are a wonderful addition to our 
school as they bring with them new languages, cultures and 
traditions--but there are a lot of them and the department needs help 
on Thursday, September 13 during 2nd and 3rd periods (between 9:30 
and 11:30) to deliver passes to classes and also on September 14 
during 2nd and 3rd period to work as proctors for the testing in the 
College Career Center. If you can help, please contact Tamara 
Friedman at 
<mailto:tfriedman at berkeley.k12.ca.us>tfriedman at berkeley.k12.ca.us

2. .On Thursday, September 13 AP Environmental Science teacher Mardi 
Mertens is looking for help  Periods 2,4,5,6  to help check journals 
and record scores .  If you can help, please contact Mardi at  at 
eemaaj at aol.com or 520-4468

3. The census continues for three more days.  The main action here 
takes place between 9:30 and 10:30. PLease come to the front office 
if you can help.

2. Schedule changes are slowing down but they are still happening. 
This takes place through out the day. If you can help, please come to 
the Front Desk.

3. Military recruiting.  On Friday we collected military recruiting 
opt out forms from most of the junior and senior class.  When I left 
on Friday the plan was to check with the students who did not turn in 
a form.  I do not know if help will be needed to do this or not.  If 
it is I will put out an urgent call tomorrow morning.

Thank you one and all! Janet

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