[BHS etree] ETREE: MAY 21 - School Assembly for Juniors/ Seniors on Military Access to Student Information

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Fri May 18 12:09:53 PDT 2007

The federal "No Child Left Behind" act calls on school districts to
provide the military with the names and addresses of high school
students for recruiting purposes.  Up until this point, our district
has only handed over names of students who have wanted to receive
information from recruiters--that is, those who have "opted in."
According to the Department of Defense, we were the last district in
the country to follow this policy.

As a result of increased pressure from the federal government to
comply with their interpretation of the law, the school is now going
to ask every junior and senior to fill out a form indicating if they
DO or DO NOT want to receive military information.  Please note: this
is a change in the BUSD policy.  

In order to better inform students of their options regarding
disclosure of information to the military, there will be mandatory
student assemblies on Monday, May 21.  During 2nd period, all 11th
grade students should report to the community theater.  During 5th
period, all 12th grade students should report to the theater for the
same assembly. All students will be asked to fill out a paper
indicating if they do or do not want to receive direct information
from the military. 

Parents should also be aware that the military has avenues other than
the school district from which it may obtain personal information. 

1. There is a box on the SATs to check if students wish to receive
information from colleges. If the box is checked, the military will
also send information.  

2. Members of the military, as do a number of colleges, hold
information meetings for interested students in the College and Career
Center.  These meetings are advertised in the Student Daily Bulletin.

3. Finally, all 18-year-old males are required to register for the
Selective Service (the draft) as must all male students who apply for
federal financial aid for college.  

There is more information about this policy change in the May-June,
2007 Berkeley High Newsletter which was mailed to families on Friday,
May 11.

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