[BHS etree] BULLETIN: VOLUNTEERS: STAR test starting Tuesday

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon Apr 23 09:35:32 PDT 2007

contact: Janet Huseby <mailto:jhuseby at pacbell.net>jhuseby at pacbell.net

Most of the STAR test sorting has been completed and tomorrow the 
test begins.  Vice Principal Pasquale Scuderi is hoping to have three 
or four parents in the early morning  (from 8 to 9) from Tuesday to 
Friday to help pass out the tests, deliver extra test sheets, etc. If 
you can help, please let me know.

Dear sorters,  every time I checked in on the STAR sorting there were 
at least five parents working away.  You were all wonderful.  I did 
not think ahead and create a sign up sheet for the sorting so I  can 
not thank you by name but that does not lessen my appreciation. 
Thank you for helping.

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