[BHS etree] ADMIN: STAR test sorting starting next Tuesday

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Sat Apr 14 08:54:11 PDT 2007

contact: Janet Huseby <mailto:jhuseby at pacbell.net>jhuseby at pacbell.net

Next Tuesday, April 17 we will begin the massive job of sorting 
thousands of STAR tests. Usually the tests come in several weeks 
before they are administered but this year, the state has been very 
slow to send out the papers and we will have under a week to 
accomplish this task.  We will need lots of help in order to 
succeed. The sorting will take place Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and 
Friday from 8:30 to 3.  If you can help for one or two hours or more 
at any point over those four days, please let me know at 
<mailto:jhuseby at pacbell.net>jhuseby at pacbell.net

Thank you very much, dear community.

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