[BHS etree] ADMIN: Holiday Meal Details

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Wed Dec 6 21:15:19 PST 2006

Please do not hit REPLY, contact Pasquale Scuderi
[mailto:Pasquale_Scuderi at berkeley.k12.ca.us]

Dear Friends and Families:

As many of you know, the Berkeley High student government will be
serving its annual holiday meal this Saturday, December 9, in the food
court at BHS.

Some key details:

The meal will be served from 1 p.m. until about 4 p.m.

We still need pre-cooked hams and turkeys; drop these and any other
donations of hot items off at the main office between 9 and 11.
Students and signs will direct you as to where the items should be

We also still need lots of beverages. You can bring juices or water to
the main office any time this week or bring them in Saturday morning. 

Volunteers are still needed to serve for the second half of the day
and help with cleanup. Anyone interested in helping should show up at
2:30 and expect to be around until about 6 p.m. 

Thanks for being generous with your time and your gifts of food.


Pasquale Scuderi
Vice Principal

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