[BHS etree] BHSDG: Looking for great restaurants

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Wed Nov 15 13:54:15 PST 2006

Please do NOT HIT REPLY, contact: Helen Walker  
<mailto:helenwalker at comcast.net>helenwalker at comcast.net or Melissa 
Bloom <mailto:melissa at jbloom.com>melissa at jbloom.com

Berkeley High Parents, Friends and Community Members,

Do you own a restaurant in Berkeley?  Does a friend of yours own a 
restaurant in Berkeley? The Berkeley High School Development Group is 
looking for 10 restaurants to participate in "ONE NIGHT FOR BERKELEY 
HIGH" on Wednesday evening, February 28th.  (We already have a few 
fabulous restaurants on board willing to participate and help the 
Berkeley High School Development Group.)   We are looking for more to 
join in, and WE NEED YOUR HELP!   Get a group together, and go out to 
dinner and a portion of the evening's proceeds will go to the BHSDG! 
Bring your friends and your family.  If you can help us, please 
contact Helen Walker at 
<mailto:helenwalker at comcast.net>helenwalker at comcast.net or Melissa 
Bloom <mailto:melissa at jbloom.com>melissa at jbloom.com.


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