[BHS etree] Clubs: Key Club- Volunteers for Turkey Basket Distribution

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Wed Nov 15 18:24:55 PST 2006

Please do not hit reply, contact:  Peter Angell:  pnangell at gmail.com

Come Join us! 
On Tuesday, November 21, 2006 from 7:00am to 
9:00am in front of the Berkeley Police Department 
(Public Safety Building – 2100 Martin Luther 
King, Jr. Way) we will be assembling over 250 
boxes of complete holiday meals (including 
turkeys) to distribute to needy families in 
Berkeley. Refreshments will be served, but your 
energy and assistance is needed!

Every year for the past 22 years, a group of 
Berkeley Police Officers and UC Berkeley Police 
Officers train for months to undertake a 
rigorous, challenging 216 mile bicycle ride to 
Lake Tahoe .  They do this for one reason:  they 
raise money through this bike ride in order to 
furnish Holiday Meals at Thanksgiving and 
Christmas to over 250 needy families in Berkeley 
.  Local businesses, colleagues, friends and 
family all pledge varying amounts per mile rode. 
The money is then used to purchase grocery items 
that will supply a complete meal with all the 
trimmings for families that otherwise would go 

Berkeley Police Officers identify needy families 
from their respective beats, and we also provide 
baskets for a few local homeless shelters and 

The Berkeley Boosters / Police Activities League 
serves as the organizing arm of this community 
service event.  The Berkeley Boosters / Police 
Activities League is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit 
public benefit corporation that has a 23 year 
collaborative relationship with the Berkeley 
Police Department, working together with the 
Police Department to offer programs and 
activities for at-risk youth that impart positive 
life skills and offer opportunities and choices 
as alternatives to negative or criminal behavior.

Over the years, the Turkey Basket Distribution 
event has truly become a community-wide event, 
with financial and volunteer support coming from 
the Berkeley Community Fund, Safeway, Berkeley 
Rotary, West Berkeley Lion’s Club, Berkeley 
Kiwanis, Berkeley High Key Club, UC Berkeley 
Rotaract Club, First Presbyterian Church, City of 
Berkeley employees and more! 

On Tuesday morning, November 21, 2006 at 7:00am, 
up to 100 community volunteers from the above 
mentioned groups will come together in front of 
the Berkeley Police Department, 2100 Martin 
Luther King, Jr. Way , to help assemble the 250 
Baskets.  Together we form an impressive 100 foot 
long assembly line, placing more than 1 ton of 
canned and dry goods, 2 tons of produce 
(including oranges, yams, onions, and potatoes), 
and a frozen turkey for each family.  The baskets 
are then delivered to the families by Berkeley 
Police Officers, Traffic Enforcement Personnel, 
and Berkeley Boosters / PAL Staff.

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