[BHS etree] PTSA: Newsletter Mailing - Nov. 16

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Nov 7 08:24:02 PST 2006

Please do not hit reply, contact Mark van Krieken
[mailto:markvk4 at comcast.net] 

The mailing party for the next issue of the Newsletter will take
place on Thursday, November 16th, starting at 8:30 AM in Conference
Room B, in the Admin Building.  

For those of you who have never come to a Newsletter mailing, you
don't know what you're missing.  You'll be the first to read the
exciting new articles in this issue of the Newsletter.  It's always a
fun social setting and you can catch up on all sorts of things going
on at the school.   For those of you who have come before, please
come again -- you've been phenomenal in getting these issues out

Also -- I'm looking for someone to take the lead on future mailings
(think of the prestige).  It would be a huge help to me.
AND -- If I can bribe you with Cheese Board pastries as I did last
time, I'm never beneath that.  Let me know if you can make it.  I
hope to see you there.  Thanks.
Contact: Mark van Krieken [markvk4 at comcast.net]

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