[BHS etree] ADMIN/VOLUNTEER: Spirit Day crowd control, your help needed

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Sun Oct 15 10:44:25 PDT 2006

Contact: Janet Huseby <mailto:jhuseby at pacbell.net>

Dear BHS families,

The administration at Berkeley High will be working very hard this
coming week to ensure that Spirit Week is safe and fun and that
learning continues during class time.  The reason they are doing
this, says Principal Jim Slemp, "Is because Spirit Week is REALLY
REALLY important to our students."

Vice Principal Pasquale Scuderi is in charge of the event.  He has
been working with the student leadership to organize the
entertainment and with the staff to make sure the event is orderly.

One of the largest challenges is Friday's Spirit Rally. Over 3,000
students are dismissed from class at 2:15 pm (shortened day). The
goal is to have them in their designated bleacher section by 2:21 for
an action packed 45-minute rally.  To accomplish this we need lots of
patient friendly adults to help direct the crowd.  Mr. Scuderi would
like a minimum of eight adult volunteers to help (more would be
better).  You will be standing outside the Donahue Gym in a
designated spot helping kids sort themselves out by class into their
proper entrance section.  You will not be needed at the rally itself,
though if your student doesn't mind you watching, it is a lot of fun.

We could also use help on Wednesday and Thursday at lunch.  The goal
here is to increase the number of friendly adults walking around. 

If you can help, please contact me at jhuseby at pacbell.net


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