[BHS etree] CAS: Help Needed with CAS Graduation

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue May 23 17:54:04 PDT 2006

Please DO NOT hit reply, contact Stephani Lesh,
<mailto:stefle at sbcglobal.net>

The CAS graduation ceremony will be held on Memorial Day, Monday May
27th at the Berkeley Reparatory Rhoda Theater on Addison Street,
between Shattuck and Milvia.

Volunteers are needed to sign up for 3 hour shifts from 9AM to 12pm,
11am to 2pm, and 12noon to 3pm to helping with serving, replenishing
food, pouring drinks, etc.  These should be CAS junior parents,
ideally, but any parents can help our would be greatly appreciated.

Please email Stephani Lesh, at stefle at sbcglobal.net, if you can help.

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