[BHS etree] PTSA: Newsletter Mailing Needs Big Help

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Apr 27 15:28:49 PDT 2006

Please do not hit reply, contact: Mark van Krieken
[mailto:markvk4 at comcast.net] 

Unfortunately, due to circumstances, the mailing date for the next
PTSA Newsletter was changed and a few of the regular mailers are
unable to come on the new date.  The mailing party will take place on
Wednesday, May 3rd, starting at 9:00 AM in Conference Room B, in the
Admin Building.

There are many perks to coming.  You'll be the first to read the
exciting new articles in this issue of the Newsletter.  It's always a
fun social setting and you can catch up on all sorts of things going
on at the school.   AND -- If I can bribe you with Cheese Board
pastries as I did last time, I'm never beneath that.  Let me know if
you can make it.  I hope to see you there.  Thanks.
Contact: Mark van Krieken [markvk4 at comcast.net]

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