[BHS etree] VOLUNTEERS: A report on the exit exam-- the BHS community is awesome!

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Feb 9 16:24:24 PST 2006

1. Thank you from Amy Frey, Vice Principal...As the administrator
"over" the Exit Exam, I want to thank everyone who helped with this
major endeavor. I also want to thank all of the parents/guardians who
got their students to the exam on time; most had books and food and
pencils and were all set to take the exam. I really appreciate
everyone's help and support. Thank you .

2. And, a report from Janet Huseby, volunteer coordinator...Putting
on the California Exit Exam for 852 sophomores is a massive
undertaking.  One of the major challenges was distributing the
individualized answer sheets in a timely fashion so kids who were
waiting by the door before 7:30 a.m., number 2 pencil in hand, could
set to work quickly.  The  distribution system we used on Tuesday and
Wednesday  was devised last year by two parent volunteers: Toby Kahn
who drew upon his experience organizing chess tournaments and Karen
Smith who comes with library trained organizational skills.    

When the doors opened at 7:30, 20 volunteers were ready and waiting.
Within an hour every one of the kids had a proper test and answer
sheet and was at work.  The next day we were even faster. The
counselors were reading instructions by 8:10.  That's impressive--and
I believe a BHS record!  On both days kids began finishing the test
by 10:30 and by 11:00 the volunteers were sorting, checking  and
alphabetizing answer sheets and counting test booklets.  
I am unbelievably proud to be part of a community that comes through
for its children.  There were volunteers who took off from work, who
got up at five in the morning, who squeezed time in during their
lunch hour, who looked around on Tuesday and thought, "Hmm, I better
come back on Wednesday." Below are the names of those wonderful
people who helped with the test.  I forgot to bring a sign in sheet
and name tags, so I know I have missed some of you. But to all of
you, listed and not, thank you very much. Berkeley High simply would
not be as fine a place as it is were not for your commitment and
Laurie, Yvonne, Marjorie Alvord, Pat Anderson, Velma Bagby, Phorest
Bateson, Karen Bliman, Carol Brownstein, Diane Bush, Deborah Carlin,
Margie Cohen, Barbara Coleman, David Couch, Fredda Damast, Karen
Davis,  Sharon Decker, Zovig Donikian, David Eaken, Vicky Elliot,
Joan Emery, Denise Fane, Debby Frisch, Leah Fortin,  Chris Gilbert,
Nancy Gordon, Nancy Hall, Ann Hasse, Audrey Ichinose, Barbara Judd,
Mary Ann Kessier,  Leslie Kodama, Shelly Kodimer, Rosalie Lamb, Susan
Lawerence, Amy Loebl, Laura Louis, Marla Manlove, David Manson, Navou
Matteson, Lissa Miner, Tom Montgomery, Martha Moses, Sachi Nagkobori,
Julie Passarelli, Camille Peterson, Dominque Phillipine, Cathy
Quides, Joanna Rudy, Laurie Slama, Susan Schaller, Gordon Stevens,
Christine Tarr, Pamela Veasey, Julie Waugh,  Yingfei Wei,  Janet
Wood, and Hildy Sackman who double shifted the front desk and
dispatched the tours and Herb Singer who worked on the test
(A final note: on Wednesday at 2 p.m. we found the last missing
answer sheet--the student had moved to the library with permission
from a counselor. phew. )
Janet Huseby, jhuseby at pacbell.net

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