[BHS etree] ADMIN: Holiday Meal Thank You

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon Dec 12 20:32:47 PST 2005

Please do not hit reply, contact: Ivery McKnight-Johnson
[mailto:imcknight at berkeley.k12.ca.us] 

The BHS Student Leadership, would like to send out a huge THANK YOU!
to the students, staff,  parents, and Berkeley Businesses who
supported the Annual Holiday Meal.  We had over 100 student
volunteers many parents, and endless turkeys and hams.  We truly
appreciate your support and efforts, and please know that these types
of events could not happen without your contributions.  Photos from
the event were taken by Mark Coplan, BUSD Public Information Officer
[etree note: if we can obtain a website to direct you to view the
photos, we'll send it].  

An excerpt from details forwarded to the Contra Costa Times by Mark
Coplan, follow:

Berkeley High's Holiday Dinner Serves Berkeley's Homeless

Berkeley High School's Annual Holiday Dinner for the Homeless is a
long standing tradition, and this year was no exception. Over 100
students, parents, teachers and staff worked all day last Saturday to
prepare a delicious holiday meal for the homeless community. They
raised over $1,100 in addition to over 200 cans and other food that
was donated. 

The students' annual penny drive brought in over $400 of the total.
After enjoying a delicious meal of ham, turkey and all of the fixings
in the beautiful Food Court at Berkeley High, one diner named Alan
said that he and his wife really looked forward to this event every
year. "We really enjoy all of the love and energy that these students
give us, in addition to the wonderful meal," he said. "While we are
not homeless, low income seniors like ourselves really need and
appreciate these opportunities, and the students always make everyone
feel special and appreciated."  

This is an all school project, with most of the clubs and student
organizations working together, coordinated by Student Activities
Director Ivery McKnight-Johnson and her parents who have never missed
a year.  Students spent the morning cooking the food before standing
behind the counter to serve all afternoon.

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