[BHS etree] ADMIN: Help! One more day of mailing-Wednesday, August 3

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Aug 2 16:05:23 PDT 2005

contact: jhusby at pacbell.net

Thirty volunteers worked and worked today on the mailing--BUT WE ARE NOT YET
DONE! If you could possible come by tomorrow (Wednesday, August 3) for what
every time you can spare you would be appreciated! We still have 180 packets
to collate, 100 to label and glue shut, and 3,183 to sort and band in
packets of 10.  I am going to be at school by 8:45 and will work until the
task is done.  Please come help!

Many many thanks to the following heroes who helped today: Parents Susie
Young, Julie Wang, David Weed, Carl Bridgers, Tom Montgomery, Janet
Voorhees, Joanne Backman, Marjorie Alvord, Barb Altenberg, Elizabeth Purdy,
Hildy Sackman, Susan Helmrich, Victoria Parraga, Tammy Hill, Renee Robin,
Camille Peterson, Sandra Seidhitz, Mary French, Mary Kay Murlas, Karin
Blima, Kathryn Lee, Ruth Gorrin, Paula Shober, Darrin Lowe, AND students
Albrey Brown (9th), Reginald Hunter (10th), Seth Gorrin (6th), Leticia
Contreras (11th), Hendrik Young (9th)

Janet Huseby
Parent Volunteer Coordinator
jhuseby at pacbell.net

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