[BHS etree] FW: STUDENT SSC and BSEP reps sought for next year's committees

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Fri Jun 17 06:49:07 PDT 2005

contact:  Teal Miller [mailto:tealmiller at gmail.com]

There are open positions on BHS School Site Council and BSEP for
students. We need dedicated students who want to have a voice and
speak for the student body on these important decision making bodies.
If you are interested or have a student who is interested please send
Teal Miller, the student School Board Rep for 2005-2006, an email. My
email is tealmiller at gmail.com. Please leave a phone number and email
so that I can contact you. If possible contact me by June 20. Thank
Teal Miller

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