[BHS etree] CLUBS: Berkeley Lions Club sponsoring youth branch at bhs

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Fri May 13 12:59:32 PDT 2005

contact: Vince Lipinski vlipi10689 at aol.com

The 90-year-old Berkeley Lions Club is sponsoring a new LEOS CLUB at
Berkeley High School. The club is open to all students and it will focus on
speech and debating. Leo clubs are an official activity of Lions Clubs
International that encourages young men and women to serve others in their
community and around the world. Leo clubs are sponsored by local Lions clubs
and may be either school affiliated or community based. Leo club activities
include regular meetings, service projects and social functions. The Leo
motto – Leadership, Experience, Opportunity- is fulfilled as members work
together in response to the needs of others. For more information, contact
Berkeley Lion Vince Lipinski vlipi10689 at aol.com. For information regarding
the BHS speech & debating club contact Josephine Balakrishnan
jbalakrishnan at mindspring.com
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