[BHS etree] MISC: Vote in SF Chronicle Poll

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Wed Apr 27 18:01:53 PDT 2005

contact:  Steve Lyons [mailto:salyons at PlayCafe.org]
Our East Bay representative in the State Senate, Don Perata on Tuesday
declared:  "We have to raise taxes to pay for schools.  There, I said it.''
Perata said he will demand that California increase the amount of money it
spends on K-12 education by as much as $4 billion more than the $36 billion
Schwarzenegger has budgeted for the coming fiscal year.

Perata is the Pro-Tempore of the Senate.  This is a very powerful message
that things might be changing in Sacramento. THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE!

BUT  . . .

Now the San Francisco Chronicle's web site, www.SFGate.com is running a poll
asking "Is Perata right to propose new taxes to pay for schools."
Currently, the poll is running "no" by a ratio of two to one!  YOU CAN

Go to www.SFGate.com

You will see the pole on the home page of SFGate.

California is 44th in the nation in per student spending.  Every other major
state in the country spends more than California on educating their
children.  Show Perata that we support more money for schools.  Show your
legislator that you are willing to put your taxes where your mouth is!  Go

See the article on Perata's statement here:


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