[BHS etree] ADMIN: STAR test Runners needed 8:15 to 9:30

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Sun Apr 24 12:08:11 PDT 2005

contact: jhuseby at pacbell.net

Sorting is coming to an end--with thanks to the many parents who generously
worked for hours on the project, day after day. The STAR tests will be given
on Tuesday-Friday mornings of this coming week.  Vice Principal Rory Bled is
looking for volunteers on those four days who would be available to help as
"runners" from 8:15 to 9:30.  She is hoping to have at least five each day.
If you would like to walk the halls, visit many classrooms AND help Berkeley
High, this is a great opportunity.  Please let Janet Huseby know what day
you can help by emailing jhuseby at pacbell.net
Thank you,
Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com> To
subscribe to the etree, write bhs-request at idiom.com with one word only in
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