[BHS etree] ADMIN: EXIT exam volunteers

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Mar 15 16:57:58 PST 2005

contact: jhuseby at pacbell.net

1. Mornings: The first day of the exam is over.  We are going to try a
slightly different way of distributing answer sheets and tests tomorrow
(Wednesday).  I will meet the volunteers outside of the old gym between 7:15
and 7:25 to give directions.

2. Afternoons: We asked all afternoon volunteers to come from noon to 2.
While we still need people to come at noon to help sort and alphabetize, we
are hoping some of you--if not all--can come 11 to 1 to help collect exams.
That would be very helpful.  Whenever you get there, please come upstairs to
the B gym and I will be there to direct you where most needed.

Thank you very much dear volunteers.  It is a huge job to get 700 students
seated and with the right exams and then collect it all in order.  It simply
couldn't be done without help.


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