[BHS etree] PARENT RESOURCE CENTER: See's Candies Fundraising

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Jan 6 16:22:13 PST 2005

Contact: Irma Parker [mailto:iparker at berkeley.k12.ca.us]

The Parent Resource Center would like to Thank all of our parents, BHS
staff and community members who ordered See's Candy over the holiday.  We
hope that each family had a wonderful, blessed and restfull holiday
season.  Our candy sales totaled $1200.00, and our profit was $346.00.
The funds raised will help with upcoming events sponsered by the center.
Again thanks for your suppoRt and commitment to your parent center.

Irma Parker
Carlos Bustamante
Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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