[BHS etree] DEVELOPMENT GROUP : Thank you from the BHSDG!

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Dec 7 19:29:10 PST 2004

contact:  Susan Helmrich SHelmrich at aol.com  (510) 464-1181

Thank you to everyone who donated to the Berkeley High School Development
Group (BHSDG) fall fundraiser.  So far, we have raised $22,475!  Your
donations will help BHS continue to on its path of excellence for all
students.  The money raised will help to fund many fabulous programs in the
areas of Academic Support, Student Activities, the School Community and the
Environment, the Visual and Performing Arts, the Student Health Center, and
the Library.  Please think of the BHSDG as you write your year-end
tax-deductible donations at the end of this month.  We desparately need your
help and support as state funding has been severely cut in many areas.
Please support your community high school.  All kids at BHS will benefit
greatly from the dollars you give.  Thank you in advance and have a happy
and safe holiday season. for mo

If you've misplaced your envelope, donations can be sent to:

             The Berkeley High School Development Group
             P.O. Box 519
             Berkeley, CA 94701-0519
Thank you.

Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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the subject line: subscribe.
To unsubscribe, write bhs-request at idiom.com with one word only in the
subject line: unsubscribe.

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