[BHS etree] EVENTS: Holiday Meal for the homeless -needs donations and help

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Fri Nov 5 14:28:51 PST 2004

contact: Student Activity Director Ivery McKnight-Johnson
imcknight at berkeley.k12.ca.us

The BHS Annual Holiday Meal will take place on December 11, 2004, from
1-5 p.m., in the BHS Student Union.  Students, Staff, and
Parent/Community Volunteers are welcome to join in this event of Giving.
We will serve approximately 400 members of the community throughout the
day on Saturday, with hot nutrititious meals for the holiday season.  This
meal is generally supported by the BHS Student Government  over 100
student volunteers, parents, community businesses and the staff of BHS.

Holiday Meal Needs:

Donation pick up from community businesses on multiple days between
December 3 - December 11th.

Volunteer help is needed on Friday, December 10th from 4:30-8:30, for meal
preparations and on Saturday from 7:00am - 7:00pm for prep, cooking,
serving, store runs, and clean up.

Canned food donations or monetary donations by December 3.
(Canned food Drive is currently taking place in 2nd period classes until
December 3rd!   Remember the class with the most cans wins a pizza party.

Baked/Fried Turkeys, Hams, or other side dishes, desserts, beverages that
can be delivered on December 11th to the Student Union/Cafeteria.

Items such as aprons, oven mits, can openners, food handling gloves, and
dish towels are also very helpful.

Thank you to all who have supported this project in the past and to those
who will participate this year, your efforts and support are more than
Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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