[BHS etree] SUPT: District Planning Process Seeks Participants

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Sun Oct 24 19:56:10 PDT 2004

contact: Mark Coplan Mark_Coplan at berkeley.k12.ca.us

 The Superintendent is seeking community members interested in working on a
long term plan for the district with particular focus on educatin and
finance. If you are interested in serving on any of the groups below, please
contact Mark Coplan at Mark_Coplan at Berkeley.k12.ca.us for application

Four groups will be convened:
A. An Education workgroup which will examine best practices and
instructional program possibilities. This workgroup will consist of district
staff, principals at each level, union representatives, teachers,
parents, and community: a total of about 25 people. This group will meet
roughly twice a month.

B. A Resource workgroup which will establish a funding model for a base
educational program, using district and other
available resources. Of similar size and composition as the education
workgroup, this group will meet roughly twice a month,

C. A Feedback workgroup: A larger committee with an additional 30-40 people
will receive reports from the first two workgroups and form questions for
them to consider in drafting their reports. This committee will again
represent all aspects of the school community and will meet at least
quarterly, and its meetings will be open to the public.

D. The public: There will also be a series of public forums; in the initial
forums the experts who will work with the workgroups will present their work
to the public.

Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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