[BHS etree] PTSA: Parents hosting luncheon for teachers/staff 9/30 help needed

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Sep 16 11:53:18 PDT 2004

contact:  TonyaT2310 at aol.com

 The  PTSA is sponsoring a Back to School luncheon for teachers/staff
Thursday, Sept. 30th, promptly at 11  a.m. ,  in the West Wing of Community
Theatre.  It will be potluck style -- with parents bring the luck and pots!
Teacher/staff love a home cooked meal.  There is approximately 250 people to

If you possible can, please bring  a dish that will serve 12.  We need the
following dishes:  meat  dishes,  veggie, fruit, pasta/bread, beans, finger
foods, salads (green or otherwise) and dessert.  The  PTSA willl provide the
drinks/paper goods.  Please bring all food prepared and in containers with
utensils that have your names on them.  We will have a box where you can
come and retrieve your things in the adminstration office.  I will be there
at 9  a.m. to receive food or food can be dropped off in the Adminstration
Office,  ( Kimberely Watson-Cox 's  office ) .

Anyone willing to contribute flowers ,  that would be greatly appreciated to
beautify things but not neccessary.  Also, anyone willing to assist with
set-up, help serve and clean-up would be greately appreciated.  Let's show
the individuals that serve our children we appreciate all that they do!
Please contact me for any questions.  Thank you!

Tonya Tyree
tonyat2310 at aol.com
510-223-8405 - home

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direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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