[BHS etree] ENGLISH: Speakers for Reading and Writing the Short Story Course

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon Aug 23 20:45:13 PDT 2004

contact: David Bye [mailto:MrDSBye at aol.com]

Dear Parents:
I am very excited about teaching a new course I recently proposed:  "Reading
and Writing the Short Story."  The structure will be as follows:

    1st Quarter:  The Memoir
    2nd Quarter:  The Conventional Short Story
    3rd Quarter:  The Mystery Story
    4th Quarter:  The Children's Story

Could you help me find some speakers for this course?  If you know anyone
who writes in one of these genres and would be willing to share his or her
work and talk with the students about the craft of writing, I would
appreciate your help.  I know that the Bay Area has a very rich literary
community and I want to tap it.  You can find a description of the course

    I am looking forward to teaching your great kids as much as ever as I
approach my 20th year at BHS.

    David Bye
Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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