[BHS etree] CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: Barcoding text books 7/20-23

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Sat Jul 17 11:06:37 PDT 2004

CONTACT:  Ellie Goldstein-Erickson <clifie at earthlink.net>

Adult and Student VOLUNTEERS NEEDED July 20- 23!

Berkeley High is tackling the worthwhile job of automating the textbook
tracking system, using a program that will check out books to students using
their ID numbers. This is similar to the library checkout system. To
accomplish this, we must attach barcode labels to thousands of math, science
and history department books which are residing in the library for the

Beginning at 9:00 Tuesday morning, July 20,  we will be welcoming volunteers
to help us. In addition to adults, we encourage students who will need
community service hours for the coming school year to join us. Work days and
hours are Tuesday, July 20, through Friday, July 23, from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00
P.M. each day. Please contact Ellie Goldstein-Erickson, Library Media
Teacher, at <clifie at earthlink.net> to let her know you're coming. Feel free
to show up unannounced, however, if the opportunity arises, and bring

Help us move our textbook system into the 21st century!

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