[BHS etree] EVENTS: Dance Projects Volunteers Needed for Concession Sales 5/28-29

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Wed May 26 21:02:44 PDT 2004

Contact: Gail Tennant  GHTennant at aol.com


We need a few volunteers to organize the concession sales at the

Dance Projects
Friday & Saturday
May 28 &29
Schwimley Little Theater

The students are asked to bring baked goods to sell, but it is helpful if
a few parents could organize the table, help sell during the intermission,
bring a few extra goodies, purchase the drinks, etc.

If you are interested in helping please let Gail Tennant (volunteer
coordinator) know at GHTennant at aol.com

Thanks, and see you at the shows!

Linda Carr
Modern Dance Teacher
lcarr at berkeley.k12.ca.us

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