[BHS etree] PTSA: REMINDER Teacher Appreciation lunch, help needed!

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon May 24 20:59:24 PDT 2004

contact: Tonya Tyree tonyat2310 at aol.com or call at 223-8405.

Thank you everyone for your response to our plea for help at the annual
PTSA Teacher Appreciation Lunch Wednesday, June 2 .  If you volunteered to
bring something, please don't forget.  If you haven't yet, we could still
use cornbread or dessert. Lunch will be served promptly at 11 a.m. in the
foyer of the Community Theater.     The PTSA will provide main course and
drinks.  If you are willing to contribute, please contact Tonya Tyree,
tonyat2310 at aol.com or call at 223-8405.
Thank you!


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