[BHS etree] HEALTH CENTER: Please return Surveys

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon May 10 11:25:57 PDT 2004

contact: Ojig Yeretsian, 644-6258

Dear Parents and Guardians,
I wanted to remind you to please fill out the Health Center surveys that you
just recently received with your PTSA newsletter. This survey is very
important because it will help us understand how the larger community of BHS
sees the Health Center and point out areas where we can improve services.
This survey is part of the larger evaluation being conducted of all School
Based Health Centers in Alameda County by the University of California San

Please mail the survey back in the self addressed stamped envelope provided
as soon as possible. For more information, please call me 644-6258.

Thank you very much for your  help.
Ojig Yeretsian, Clinic Manager
BHS Health Center

ETREE NOTE: The PTSA newsletter was mailed "bulk mail" last Friday, May 8.
While some people have already received their newsletter and surveys,
carriers have up to two weeks to deliver a bulk mailing.

Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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the subject line: subscribe.
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