[BHS etree] PTSA: Help! Extra Mailing Help Needed for Health Center Survey

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon May 3 21:24:24 PDT 2004

contact: JGonzaMas at aol.com or m_boucher at comcast.net

We'll be mailing the newsletter this Friday morning, May 7, starting at 8:30
am in the BHS administration building. The BHS Health Center will be sending
a survey to all families along with the newsletter. This means collating and
stuffing into envelopes, which makes it a much bigger job. To make things
worse, the Health Center staff will be at a conference and cannot help us
(they have folded their material ready for stuffing) and the Berkeley Public
Education Fund is having a fundraising lunch which several mailers will have
to leave early to attend.

If you have anytime Friday morning to help two good causes  --the newsletter
and the health center--please come. You don't have to stay the whole time.
We will be working from at least 8:30 to 11:30, but may not finish by then.
If you are free late morning or early afternoon (after 11 am), call the
office 644-6120 first to see if you are still needed.

This may seem like a pain, but surveys like these are important not only to
ensure effective programs but also as documentation to potential funding
sources. We are very lucky to have the Health Center available for our
students at BHS, so whether or not you can help with this mailing, please
complete and return the survey after you receive it.

Janet Huseby and Kathryn Capps are the facilitators of the etree; please
direct any questions or concerns to them at <bhs-owner at idiom.com>

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